How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost in Alabama? | HuntsvilleAre you considering breast augmentation in Alabama? Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure to increase the size and shape of the breasts with the use of breast implants. The cost of breast augmentation surgery in Alabama will depend on many factors, including the size and type of breast implant chosen, the experience of the surgeon, and other associated costs. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how much you can expect to pay for breast augmentation in Alabama. McLain Surgical Arts, led by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain, provides breast augmentation to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.

Understanding Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as mammoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that enhances the size and shape of the breasts. It involves inserting breast implants or transferring fat from other parts of the body to the breasts. This surgical procedure is typically done by a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery is usually done to increase the size of breasts, correct asymmetry, improve the shape and contour of the breasts, or restore volume that may have been lost due to weight loss or pregnancy. Before undergoing breast augmentation surgery, patients should consult with their cosmetic surgeon to discuss their goals, expectations, and any potential risks and complications.

During the surgery, the patient is put under general anesthesia, and the surgeon makes an incision either in the crease under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit. The surgeon then places the implant in the breast pocket, either above or below the chest muscle. The incision is closed with sutures or surgical tape.

Recovery time varies from patient to patient, but most can return to normal activities within a week. It is important to follow all post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, including avoiding strenuous exercise and wearing a compression garment for several weeks.

Overall, breast augmentation surgery is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of the breasts. However, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced cosmetic surgeon who can guide you through the process and ensure that you achieve your desired results.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Breast Augmentation in Alabama

Breast augmentation surgery is a complex and personalized procedure, which means the cost can vary based on a variety of factors. Here are some of the key factors that may affect the cost of breast augmentation surgery in Alabama:

  1. Type of Implant: The cost of breast implants can vary depending on the type of implant used, such as saline, silicone, or gummy bear implants. Silicone implants tend to be more expensive than saline implants due to their more natural look and feel.
  2. Surgical Technique: The surgical technique used during the procedure can also affect the cost. Some techniques, such as the transaxillary or TUBA technique, may require additional equipment and specialized training, which can increase the cost.
  3. Surgeon’s Experience and Reputation: The experience and reputation of the surgeon performing the procedure can also affect the cost. More experienced and well-known surgeons may charge more for their services due to their expertise and success rates.
  4. Geographic Location: The cost of breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on where you live in Alabama. Cosmetic surgery tends to be more expensive in larger cities, such as Birmingham or Montgomery, compared to smaller towns or rural areas.
  5. Pre- and Post-Operative Care: The cost of breast augmentation surgery may also include pre- and post-operative care, such as consultations, follow-up appointments, and medications. These costs can vary depending on the surgeon’s policies and the individual needs of the patient.

Overall, the cost of breast augmentation surgery in Alabama can range from $4,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on these factors and others. It’s important to carefully research and compare prices from different surgeons and to consider the surgeon’s experience and reputation before making a decision. Additionally, it’s important to consider financing and insurance options that may be available to help cover the cost of the procedure.

Average Cost of Breast Augmentation Surgery in Alabama

When considering breast augmentation surgery, one of the biggest factors to consider is cost. In Alabama, the average cost of breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as the surgeon’s experience, the type of implant used, and the complexity of the procedure.

On average, the cost of breast augmentation surgery in Alabama can range from $5,000 to $10,000. However, it is essential to note that this price is only an estimate and can fluctuate depending on the specific details of the surgery.

For instance, if you opt for silicone implants instead of saline, it may add a few thousand dollars to your total cost. Similarly, if your surgeon suggests combining a breast lift with the augmentation, it may increase the cost even more.

The geographical location of the surgeon’s practice can also affect the cost of breast augmentation surgery. Typically, cosmetic procedures in larger metropolitan areas tend to be more expensive than those performed in smaller towns and rural areas.

It’s essential to note that while cost is an essential factor in choosing a surgeon, it should not be the only consideration. Always prioritize quality and experience over price, as it can significantly affect the results of your surgery.

It is also essential to ask your surgeon what the total cost will include, as some quotes may only include the surgical fee and not additional costs such as anesthesia or facility fees.

Finally, it’s crucial to research financing options and insurance coverage for breast augmentation surgery. While cosmetic surgery is not usually covered by insurance, there may be financing options available to help make the procedure more affordable.

Overall, the cost of breast augmentation surgery in Alabama can vary significantly. It is essential to do your research, consult with a reputable surgeon, and consider financing options before deciding to undergo this type of procedure.

Financing and Insurance Options for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery can be a costly procedure, and many patients may be concerned about their ability to finance the cost. Fortunately, there are various financing and insurance options available that can help make the procedure more affordable.

One popular financing option is to use a credit card with a low interest rate. This can help you spread out the cost of the surgery over a longer period, making it easier to manage your budget. However, be sure to read the terms and conditions of the credit card carefully before making a decision.

Another financing option is to take out a personal loan. Many banks and financial institutions offer personal loans with low interest rates and flexible repayment terms. However, be aware that taking out a loan will require you to pay back the entire amount plus interest, which can add up over time.

In some cases, your health insurance may cover a portion of the cost of breast augmentation surgery. However, this is typically only true if the surgery is deemed medically necessary. For example, if you have undergone a mastectomy, your insurance may cover the cost of breast reconstruction surgery.

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, be sure to talk to your insurance provider about your coverage options. In addition, many cosmetic surgery clinics offer financing plans to help make the procedure more affordable. Be sure to ask your surgeon about these options.

Ultimately, the decision to finance your breast augmentation surgery will depend on your financial situation and your personal goals. Be sure to consider all of your options carefully before making a decision. With the right financing plan in place, you can achieve the breast size and shape that you desire, without breaking the bank.

Tips for Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon for Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is a serious medical procedure that requires skill and experience on the part of the surgeon. With so many cosmetic surgeons out there, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your surgery. Here are some tips for finding the right cosmetic surgeon for your breast augmentation:

  1. Do Your Research: Before choosing a surgeon, it is important to do your research. Look for board-certified cosmetic surgeons with experience in breast augmentation surgery. You can also read online reviews and testimonials from previous patients.
  2. Consult with Multiple Surgeons: It is a good idea to consult with multiple surgeons to compare their skills and experience. During your consultation, ask to see before-and-after photos of their previous patients. You can also ask for references from previous patients.
  3. Ask About Techniques: Ask the surgeon about the techniques they use for breast augmentation surgery. A good surgeon will be able to explain the procedure and the different techniques available to achieve your desired results.
  4. Look for a Surgeon Who Listens to Your Needs: Your surgeon should listen to your goals and expectations for the surgery. They should be able to explain how they can help you achieve those goals, and any limitations or risks involved.
  5. Check for Credentials and Certifications: Make sure the surgeon is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. This ensures that the surgeon has undergone extensive training and meets the highest standards of safety and skill.

Choosing the right cosmetic surgeon for your breast augmentation surgery is important to ensure a successful outcome. By following these tips, you can find a skilled and experienced surgeon who can help you achieve your desired results.

Contact McLain Surgical Arts in Huntsville, AL to Schedule a Consultation

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL.  Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing.

For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here.

Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

When Can I Go Back to Work After My Breast Implant Surgery? | HuntsvilleIf you’re considering a breast augmentation, one of the questions you may have is when you can return to work after the procedure. Breast implant surgery is considered a major surgery and requires time to recover and heal. Knowing what to expect during your breast implant recovery and when you can return to work can help you plan for your procedure. In this blog post, we’ll look at when you can go back to work after a breast augmentation and how to make the most out of your breast implant recovery. McLain Surgical Arts, led by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain, provides breast augmentation to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.

What to Expect After Breast Augmentation Surgery

Undergoing breast augmentation surgery can be a life-changing decision for many women. However, it is essential to know what to expect after the procedure to ensure a safe and successful recovery. Following the surgery, patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the chest area. Pain medication may be prescribed by the cosmetic surgeon to alleviate any discomfort and help manage pain levels. It is also important to wear the compression garment provided by your surgeon to promote healing and reduce swelling.

Additionally, it is important to take things slow and allow time for recovery. It may take several days or even a few weeks for patients to return to their normal daily routines. During this time, it is essential to avoid heavy lifting and any strenuous physical activity.

It is important to follow the aftercare instructions given by the cosmetic surgeon to promote a smooth recovery. Patients will be required to attend follow-up appointments to monitor their progress and ensure that they are healing as expected.

Overall, patients can expect to see a noticeable difference in their breast size and shape following the surgery. While there may be some discomfort and a recovery period, many women report feeling more confident and satisfied with their appearance after undergoing breast augmentation surgery.

Returning to Work After Breast Implant Surgery

One of the most frequently asked questions following breast augmentation surgery is “when can I return to work?” The answer is different for every patient and is dependent on a few factors such as the type of work you do and how your body is healing post-surgery.

Most patients are able to return to work within a week or two after their surgery, but this timeline may vary based on individual factors. If you work a desk job, you may be able to return to work sooner than someone who works a job that requires physical labor. Your plastic surgeon will advise you on how much time you need to take off from work to properly recover from your surgery.

If you do plan to return to work shortly after your surgery, it is important to keep a few things in mind. Your body is still healing, so it is important to avoid any strenuous activities that may cause injury to the surgical site. This may mean avoiding lifting heavy objects or participating in any rigorous physical activity. Be sure to speak with your surgeon about any restrictions you may have and follow their advice accordingly.

It is also important to plan your return to work accordingly. You may need to take additional time off if your job requires physical activity or lifting. Consider scheduling your surgery during a time where you can take some time off work or arrange for a more flexible schedule.

As you return to work, be sure to take things slow and listen to your body. It may take a few weeks before you feel back to your normal self. Don’t push yourself too hard and make sure you continue to take care of your surgical site to ensure proper healing.

In summary, returning to work after breast implant surgery will depend on individual factors such as the type of work you do and how your body is healing. Speak with your plastic surgeon and follow their advice on returning to work. Take it slow, avoid any strenuous activity and give your body time to properly heal before resuming normal activities.

How to Ensure Safe and Quick Recovery After Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery is a major procedure that requires careful post-operative care to ensure a safe and speedy recovery. Here are some tips to help you ensure a safe and quick recovery after your breast implant surgery:

  1. Follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions: Your surgeon will provide you with specific post-operative instructions tailored to your individual needs and circumstances. It is crucial that you follow these instructions carefully to promote healing and prevent complications.
  2. Take time off work: Rest is essential for a quick and safe recovery. Your surgeon will advise you on how much time you need to take off work to ensure that your body has enough time to heal. Rushing back to work too soon can delay your recovery and increase your risk of complications.
  3. Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity: You should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity for several weeks after your surgery. This is because such activities can put unnecessary strain on your healing breast tissue and impede the healing process.
  4. Get plenty of rest: Getting enough rest is essential for a quick and safe recovery. Make sure to get plenty of sleep and take naps if you feel tired. This will help your body heal faster and reduce your risk of complications.
  5. Eat a healthy diet: Eating a healthy and balanced diet can help your body recover faster from surgery. Make sure to eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains to give your body the nutrients it needs to heal.
  6. Attend your follow-up appointments: It is crucial that you attend your follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure that your recovery is proceeding smoothly. If you have any concerns or questions, be sure to ask your surgeon during these appointments.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safe and speedy recovery after your breast implant surgery. Remember, always consult your surgeon if you have any questions or concerns during your recovery process.

Contact McLain Surgical Arts in Huntsville, AL to Schedule a Consultation

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL.  Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing.

For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here.

Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

Closed vs. Open Rhinoplasty: What is Recommend? | Huntsville ALRhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure that reshapes the nose to achieve a more desirable aesthetic. When considering a rhinoplasty, it is important to be aware of the two main types of the surgery: closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. While both procedures have advantages and disadvantages, there is an ongoing debate among cosmetic surgeons about which type is the better option for patients. In this blog post, we will explore the differences between closed and open rhinoplasty and examine the factors that a cosmetic surgeon may consider when recommending one type of procedure over the other. McLain Surgical Arts, led by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain, provides rhinoplasty to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.

What is closed rhinoplasty?

Closed rhinoplasty is a type of cosmetic surgery that involves making incisions inside the nostrils to access the nasal bone and cartilage. Unlike open rhinoplasty, there are no external incisions made, making it a less invasive procedure. This type of nose job is often preferred by surgeons who are making minor adjustments to the nose or correcting small imperfections. It’s important to note that closed rhinoplasty may not be suitable for every patient and depends on the specific goals of the surgery.

What is open rhinoplasty?

Open rhinoplasty, also known as external rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure used to alter the shape and structure of the nose. During an open rhinoplasty, the surgeon makes an incision on the columella, which is the narrow strip of skin that separates the nostrils. This incision allows the surgeon to lift the skin and tissue off of the nose, giving them full access to the nasal structures.

Once the skin is lifted, the surgeon can reshape and refine the cartilage, bone, and other structures within the nose to achieve the desired aesthetic result. The incision is then closed with sutures, and the patient will have a small scar that is typically hidden in the natural creases of the nose.

Open rhinoplasty is often used for more complex cosmetic surgery procedures, such as correcting a deviated septum or rebuilding the nose after trauma. While it does require a longer recovery period than closed rhinoplasty, it can also allow for greater precision and control during the procedure.

Ultimately, the decision between open and closed rhinoplasty will depend on a variety of factors, including the patient’s desired results, their nasal anatomy, and the expertise of the cosmetic surgeon. Before making any decisions about which type of nose job to undergo, it’s important to consult with a qualified surgeon to determine the best course of action.

Which option is better?

When it comes to choosing between closed or open rhinoplasty for a nose job, it’s important to understand that each option has its advantages and disadvantages. Closed rhinoplasty is less invasive than open rhinoplasty, meaning that there is less swelling and bruising, and the recovery time is generally shorter. It also leaves no visible scars on the outside of the nose.

On the other hand, open rhinoplasty allows the surgeon to have better visibility and access to the nasal structures, making it easier to achieve the desired results. It’s particularly useful in cases where major changes to the nose are required, such as reducing the size of a large hump or correcting a deviated septum.

Ultimately, the decision between closed or open rhinoplasty will depend on the specific goals and needs of each individual patient. A skilled cosmetic surgeon will evaluate the patient’s unique facial features and suggest the best option to achieve the desired results. It’s important to remember that both closed and open rhinoplasty are safe and effective procedures, with high patient satisfaction rates.

If you’re considering a nose job, it’s crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in rhinoplasty. Be sure to ask your surgeon about their preferred technique, as well as the risks and benefits associated with each option. By working with a trusted expert, you can feel confident that you’re making the best choice for your appearance and overall health.

Are there any risks associated with closed or open rhinoplasty?

Like any surgical procedure, both closed and open rhinoplasty come with risks. However, the severity of the risks can vary depending on the specific case and the skill of the surgeon. 

With closed rhinoplasty, there is a slightly lower risk of scarring since the incisions are hidden inside the nose. However, since the surgeon has less visibility and access to the nasal structures, there may be a higher risk of asymmetry or improper reshaping. 

On the other hand, open rhinoplasty requires a small incision on the columella (the strip of skin between the nostrils) which may leave a slight scar. But, this approach gives the surgeon a better view of the nasal structures, which can result in a more precise and symmetric result. However, open rhinoplasty also carries a higher risk of swelling, bruising, and longer recovery time due to the extent of the incision.

Ultimately, the decision to choose closed or open rhinoplasty will depend on the individual case and the preferences of the patient and surgeon. It’s important to discuss all potential risks and benefits with a board-certified plastic surgeon to make an informed decision.

Contact McLain Surgical Arts in Huntsville, AL to Schedule a Consultation

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL.  Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing.

For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here.

Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.

What to Ask During a Tummy Tuck Consultation | Huntsville ALIf you’re considering a tummy tuck procedure, the first step is to consult with a cosmetic surgeon. A tummy tuck is a major surgery, so it’s important to be informed and ask the right questions before committing to the procedure. A successful consultation with a cosmetic surgeon will help you determine if a tummy tuck is the right choice for you. In this blog post, we’ll provide a few key questions you should ask your cosmetic surgeon during a tummy tuck consultation.McLain Surgical Arts, led by cosmetic surgeon Dr. Landon D. McLain, provides tummy tucks to patients in Huntsville, Madison, Florence, Decatur, Scottsboro, Cullman, Athens, Alabama, and surrounding locations.

Your Goals

The first thing you should discuss with your cosmetic surgeon during your tummy tuck consultation is your personal goals. What are you hoping to achieve through abdominoplasty? Are you looking to reduce the appearance of loose skin and stretch marks? Or do you want to achieve a flatter, more toned stomach? Understanding your goals is critical to ensuring that you and your surgeon are on the same page when it comes to your expectations and desired outcomes.

During this conversation, be honest and open with your surgeon. Discuss your concerns and any hesitations you may have about undergoing cosmetic surgery. It’s essential to ensure that you feel comfortable with the procedure and that you fully understand what to expect before, during, and after your tummy tuck. If you have any questions or uncertainties about the procedure, be sure to address them with your surgeon. This will help you feel confident and informed as you make your final decision about whether or not to proceed with the surgery.

The Procedure

During your tummy tuck consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the abdominoplasty procedure in detail with you. Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgery that involves removing excess skin and fat from the abdominal area and tightening the abdominal muscles to give you a flatter and smoother tummy.

Your surgeon will explain how the procedure will be performed, including the type of anesthesia that will be used and the length of the surgery. You can also ask questions about the incision placement, which can vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the specific techniques used by your surgeon.

Additionally, your surgeon will discuss the recovery process with you, including what to expect during the immediate post-operative period and the amount of time you may need to take off from work or other activities. They may also provide guidance on caring for your incisions and managing any discomfort during your recovery.

It’s important to remember that while the tummy tuck procedure can help improve your body contour and self-confidence, it is still a surgical procedure that carries some risks and potential complications. Your surgeon will discuss these with you and answer any questions you may have, as well as go over steps they take to minimize these risks during surgery.

Overall, understanding the details of the tummy tuck procedure and recovery process will help you make an informed decision about whether this cosmetic surgery is the right option for you.


After a tummy tuck surgery, the recovery process is an essential aspect of your journey to a flatter stomach. Understanding what to expect during recovery can help you prepare better for the postoperative phase.

During the consultation, your cosmetic surgeon will discuss the expected recovery time and give you specific instructions on postoperative care. Following the doctor’s instructions is crucial to avoid complications and ensure a successful recovery.

Typically, recovery from a tummy tuck takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on the extent of the surgery. During the first few days, you may experience pain, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with prescribed medications.

It’s essential to take enough time off work and other activities to rest and allow your body to heal. Avoiding strenuous activities, lifting heavy objects, or bending over is necessary to avoid damaging the incision site or causing strain on the abdominal muscles.

Your cosmetic surgeon will also advise you on the use of compression garments, which help to reduce swelling and support the abdominal area during recovery. Additionally, keeping the incision area clean and dry is essential to prevent infection.

While you may feel eager to resume your regular activities, it’s important to take it slow and allow yourself enough time to heal completely. Your surgeon will advise you on when to resume exercises and other physical activities gradually.

During recovery, you’ll have follow-up appointments with your cosmetic surgeon to monitor your progress and ensure that you’re healing correctly. Any concerns or issues that arise should be reported to your surgeon promptly.

Risks and Complications

Like any surgical procedure, a tummy tuck comes with potential risks and complications that you should be aware of. While serious complications are rare, it’s still important to discuss them with your cosmetic surgeon during your consultation. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Infection: Anytime an incision is made in the skin, there is a risk of infection. Your surgeon will give you instructions for keeping the surgical site clean and avoiding infection.
  2. Blood clots: Blood clots can form in the legs after surgery, which can be dangerous if they travel to other parts of the body. Your surgeon may recommend blood thinners or compression stockings to prevent this.
  3. Poor healing: Some people may experience poor healing or wound separation after a tummy tuck. Your surgeon will monitor your healing and address any issues that arise.
  4. Scarring: Tummy tuck surgery typically leaves a scar, which can vary in size and location depending on the type of procedure you have. Your surgeon can show you before and after photos to give you an idea of what to expect.
  5. Anesthesia risks: All surgeries that require anesthesia come with some level of risk. Your surgeon will discuss these risks with you during your consultation.

By understanding the potential risks and complications of tummy tuck surgery, you can make an informed decision about whether it’s right for you. Your surgeon can also help you take steps to minimize these risks and ensure a safe, successful surgery.

Before and after photos

It’s always a good idea to ask your cosmetic surgeon to see some before and after photos of previous patients who have undergone a tummy tuck. These photos can give you a good idea of what to expect in terms of results and can help you decide if the surgeon is a good fit for you. 

When you’re looking at the photos, pay attention to the before and after shots of patients who have a similar body type and build as you. Look for signs of natural-looking results and see if the outcomes align with the goals you have set for yourself. It’s essential to remember that everyone’s body is different, and what works for someone else might not necessarily be suitable for you. 

While it’s great to look at these photos, you should not expect to have the same exact outcome as any other patient. Your body, age, and overall health condition can all affect the results of your surgery. A good cosmetic surgeon will explain this to you and work with you to set realistic expectations for your surgery.

It’s also essential to ask your surgeon if they have performed tummy tuck surgery on patients who have a body type similar to yours. If they have, ask to see those photos to get a better idea of what your outcome may look like. If your surgeon doesn’t have photos of previous patients with a body type similar to yours, they can use digital imaging technology to show you a virtual representation of the potential outcome.

Contact McLain Surgical Arts in Huntsville, AL to Schedule a Consultation

McLain Surgical Arts is a leading cosmetic surgery practice headed by Dr. Landon D. McLain MD, DMD, FACS in Huntsville, AL.  Dr. McLain is a double board certified cosmetic and oral & maxillofacial surgeon, offering a variety of procedures such as dental implants, wisdom teeth extraction, breast augmentation, liposuction, rhinoplasty, tummy tuck, facelift, Botox, and laser skin resurfacing.

For more information or to schedule a consultation call 256.429.3411 or click here.

Now taking patients from Huntsville, Scottsboro, Decatur, Madison, Athens, Florence, Cullman, AL and surrounding areas.