1 Revision Breast Augmentation Before and After Photos
Procedure: Revision Breast
This 35 year old patient came to McLain Surgical Arts in Huntsville, AL seeking revision breast surgery. Her original breast augmentation was performed in 2001 in Orlando, FL. However, over the past several years she noted her left breast became hard and elevated and also complained that both implants fell into her armpits when lying down. During her consultation with Dr. McLain, she was informed that she had capsular contracture of the L breast and displacement of both implants laterally. This difficult problem was corrected by Dr. McLain by replacing the saline implants after removing the diseased capsule in the left breast as well as modifying both breast pockets with an internal suturing technique to bring the implants slightly closer to the sternum and eliminate the lateral displacement tendency. Her procedure was performed through her existing scars in both breast creases. She now enjoys improved symmetry and softness as well as a perkier appearance.
Front View:

Oblique View:

Side View: