Huntsville Alabama Oral | Facial & Cosmetic Surgery's Blog

Breast Augmentation: Bigger or Smaller?

Breast Augmentation: Bigger or Smaller?Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries that women undergo each year. Whether you want larger breasts, or you would like to have a smaller chest, you will want to do your research.

Exchanging old implants for a smaller, or larger size is a not uncommon request. While you may be pleased with the size of your initial implants, due to physical changes, you may want to consider smaller or larger implants to find a more aesthetically pleasing body contour.

Breast implants can last from 10 to 15 years and sometimes longer. But here are some reasons that you might consider having new implants:

  • Implant rupture
  • Hardening of the capsule around the implant
  • The implant drops, or becomes out of place
  • Swelling
  • Asymmetry

Dr. Landon McLain says “In my practice and nationally, the most common reason to revisit a breast implant is implant malposition.  Over time, some implants will drop too low or drift laterally.  This can usually be repaired with an internal lift that may preclude the need for a mastopexy and the addition of new scars.”

Dissatisfaction with the look of your implants is one reason some women consider an implant exchange. Some others include:

  • Desire to switch from textured to smooth implants
  • The need for a breast lift
  • An issue with the initial breast implants
  • Changing the implant from saline to silicone
  • Aging

Breast tissue sagging as we age, or after weight loss or gain is another reason that many women may consider breast augmentation. With aging, the body produces less collagen and elastin. A breast lift can help correct sagging from pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well.

Speaking with your board-certified cosmetic surgeon is the best way to make a decision that will work for you and your body. This will also ensure that you achieve the best aesthetic results.   If you’re interested in a breast augmentation, please give us a call.  Dr. McLain will be happy to give you all your options.

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